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You are here:Home > FRONTLOAD EXTRACTOR > A or B Control > Motor, Pulley, Belt and Capacitors - 20, 25 and 30 Pound Capacity Models (Drawing 3 of 3)
1 H87529111P Bushing DC20, HC20, SC20 and UC20 2 speed models; C, D, G and J-voltage

1 H87529111P Bushing HC20, SC20 and UC20 2 speed models; E-voltage; Models through 5/23/02

1 F280298P Pulley Bushing DC20, HC20, SC20 and UC20 2 speed models; E-voltage; Models starting 5/24/02

1 F280298P Pulley Bushing DC20, HC20, SC20 and UC20 2 speed models; B, F, H and O-voltage; F and H-voltage models with heat

1 H87529111P Bushing HC25 and SC25 models; C, D and J-voltage

1 F280298P Pulley Bushing HC25 and SC25 models; E-voltage; Replaces F280214 Motor Bushing

1 F280298P Pulley Bushing HC25 and SC25 models; Y-voltage; Replaces F220209 Bushing

1 H87529111P Bushing DC30, HC30, SC30 and UC30 2 speed models; C, D and J-voltage

1 F280225P Bushing DC30, HC30, SC30 and UC30 2 speed models; E-voltage

1 F280298P Pulley Bushing HC20 and HC30 variable-speed models

2 F280427P Pulley DC20, HC20, SC20 and UC20 2 speed models; C, D, E, G and J-voltage; Replaces F280184 Pulley; Replacement of F280184 Pulley requires H87529111P Bushing

2 F280427P Pulley DC20, HC20, SC20 and UC20 2 speed models; E-voltage; Replaces F280184 Pulley and H87529111P Bushing; Replacement of F280184 Pulley requires F280298P Pulley Bushing

2 F280170 Sheave Pulley DC20, HC20, SC20 and UC20 2 speed models; B, F, H, O and Y-voltage

2 F280170 Sheave Pulley DC20, HC20, SC20 and UC20 2 speed models; F and H-voltage models with heat

2 F280427P Pulley HC25 and SC25 models; C, D and J-voltage; Replaces F280184 Pulley; Replacement of F280184 Pulley requires H87529111P Bushing; H87529111P Bushing is used with F280427 Pulley

2 F280427P Pulley HC25 and SC25 models; E-voltage; Replaces F280180 Pulley; Replacement of F280180 Pulley requires F280298P Pulley Bushing; F280298P Pulley Bushing is used with F280427 Pulley

2 F280170 Sheave Pulley HC25 and SC25 models; F, H and O-voltage

2 F280416 Pulley HC25 and SC25 models; L and Y-voltage; Replaces F280139 Pulley and F280298P Pulley Bushing; F280298P Pulley Bushing is used with F280416 Pulley

2 F280418 Pulley DC30, HC30, SC30 and UC30 2 speed models; C and D-voltage; Replaces F280283 Pulley; Replacement of F280283 Pulley requires H87529111P Bushing; H87529111P Bushing is used with F280418 Pulley

2 F280423 Pulley DC30, HC30, SC30 and UC30 2 speed models; E-voltage; F280225P Bushing is used with F280423 Pulley

2 F280284 Pulley DC30, HC30, SC30 and UC30 2 speed models; F, H and O-voltage

2 F280281 Motor Pulley DC30, HC30, SC30 and UC30 models; Y-voltage; Replaces F280198 Pulley

2 F280287P Sheave Kit HC20 and HC30 variable-speed models

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