1 F430239 Nut DC25, HC18, HC25, HC27, NC18, NC27, SC18, SC25, SC27, UC18, UC25 and UC27 models
1 F430240 Nut HC35, HC50, NC50, SC35, SC50, UC35 and UC50 models
2 F431128 Washer DC25, HC18, HC25, HC27, NC18, NC27, SC18, SC25, SC27, UC18, UC25 and UC27 models
2 F431131 Washer HC35, HC50, NC50, SC35, SC50, UC35 and UC50 models
3 F747000 Trunnion Kit HC18, NC18, SC18 and UC18 models; Includes the front shell gasket kit and items 1, 2 and 11-13
3 F747001 Trunnion Kit HC18, NC18, SC18 and UC18 models that have been retrofitted with F934P3 Upgrade Kit; DC25, HC25, SC25 and UC25 models; Includes the front shell gasket kit and items 1, 2 and 11-13
3 F747002 Trunnion Kit HC27, HC35, NC27, SC27, SC35, UC27 and UC35 models; Includes the front shell gasket kit and items 1, 2 and 11-13
3 F747004 Trunnion Kit HC50, NC50, SC50 and UC50 models; Includes the front shell gasket kit and items 1, 2 and 11-13
4 F607003 Frame Assembly HC18, NC18, SC18 and UC18 models
4 F606178 Frame Assembly DC25, HC25, SC25 and UC25 models
4 F630232 Frame Assembly HC27, NC27, SC27 and UC27 models
4 F607004 Frame Assembly HC35, SC35 and UC35 models
4 F607005 Frame Assembly HC50, NC50, SC50 and UC50 models
5 F430218 Nut
6 M400081 Washer
7 F430949 Screw DC25, HC18, HC25, HC27, NC18, NC27, SC18, SC25, SC27, UC18, UC25 and UC27 models
7 F430987 Screw HC35, HC50, NC50, SC35, SC50, UC35 and UC50 models
8 F634600 Shell Weldment HC18, NC18, SC18 and UC18 models
8 F634608 Shell Weldment DC25, HC25, SC25 and UC25 models; HC27, SC27 and UC27 MC, MD, MH, MN, MV, MX, PC, PN, SN, VC and VN models
8 F634663 Shell Weldment HC27, NC27 and SC27 EC, EP, EX, NC, NP, NR and NX models
8 F606981 Shell Assembly HC35 and SC35 EC, EP, EX, NC, NP, NR and NX models
8 F741008 Shell Kit HC35, SC35 and UC35 MC, MD, MH, MN, MV, MX, PC, PN, SN, VC and VN models; Includes items 5, 6, 9, F200142 Air Trap Hose, F200205 Hose Clamp (No. 10), F200213 Hose Clamp (No. 40), F200215 Hose Clamp (No. 28), F200222 Hose Clamp (No. 12) and F430942 Screw
8 F634644 Shell Weldment HC50, NC50, SC50 and UC50 models
9 F430303 Washer
10 F430942 Screw
11 F100208 Shaft Seal HC18, SC18 and UC18 models
11 F8203801 Triple Lip Seal HC18, SC18 and UC18 models that have been retrofitted with F934P3 Upgrade Kit; DC25, HC25, SC25 and UC25 models
11 F8203802 Triple Lip Seal HC27, HC35, SC27, SC35, UC27 and UC35 models
11 F8203805 Triple Lip Seal HC50, SC50 and UC50 models
12 F100108 Bearing 6208 2RS C3; HC18, SC18 and UC18 MC, MD, M, MN, MV and MX models; HC27, HC35, NC27, SC27, SC35, UC27 and UC35 models
12 F100109P Motor Bearing 6207 2RS C3; HC18, NC18, SC18 and UC18 EC, EP, EX, NC, NP, NR, NX, PC, PN, SN, VC and VN models
12 F100122 Bearing 6312 2RS C3; HC50, SC50 and UC50 MC, MD, MH, MN, MV and MX models
12 F100123P Bearing 6309 2RS C3; HC27, HC35, SC27, SC35, UC27 and UC35 MC, MD, MH, MN, MV and MX models; HC50, NC50, SC50 an UC50 EC, EP, EX, NC, NP, NR, NX, PC, PN, SN, VC and VN models
12 F100136P Bearing 6307 2RS C3; DC25, HC25, SC25 and UC25 models
13 F100108 Bearing 6208 2RS C3; HC18, NC18, SC18 and UC18 EC, EP, EX, NC, NP, NR, NX, PC, PN, SN, VC and VN models
13 F100109P Motor Bearing 6207 2RS C3; HC18, SC18 and UC18 MC, MD, MH, MN, MV and MX models
13 F100122 Bearing 6312 2RS C3; HC50, NC50, SC50 and UC50 EC, EP, EX, NC, NP, NR, NX, PC, PN, SN, VC and VN models
13 F100123P Bearing 6309 2RS C3; HC27, HC35, NC27, SC27, SC35, UC27 and UC35 EC, EP, EX, NC, NP, NR, NX, PC, PN, SN, VC and VN models; HC50, SC50 and UC50 MC, MD, MH, MN, MV and MX models
13 F100137P Bearing 6308 2RS C3; DC25, HC25, SC25 and UC25 models